KKRN FM, is a volunteer-based, listener-supported radio station fostering positive social change and healthy communities by entertaining, informing and educating through diverse music, culture, news, and public affairs programming.

Piping Hour 5.22.19

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  1. Colin Lee  Lament for Mary MacLeod 
  2. Joy Dunlop  My desire is for the boy 
  3. Robert Worrall  Song for David medley 
  4. Gillebride MacMillan   Going to Uist 
  5. Capt. John MacLellan  Lament for Donald of Laggan 
  6. Jenna Cuming  Ho Mo Luran 
  7. Vale of Atholl PB  Worlds medley  1995 
  8. Murdo MacLeod and John Murray   Fiollaigean 
  9. Dysart & Dundonald PB  Hornpipes Ballymena Concert 1983 
  10. Roderick MacLeod  Old Men of the Shells
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