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Piping Hour 7.4.18

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Featured Piper Episode 2 with Allan MacDonald

  1. I am Proud to Play a Pipe     Dastirum 
  2. A Lament     Dastirum 
  3. Piobaireachd Na Pairce   Homebound 
  4. The Emigrants    Colla Mo Run 
  5. The Tune of the Fairies 
  6. Leaving Dunedin   Iain MacDonald & Iain MacFarlane 
  7. The Stone and Mary  w/Catherine Ann MacPhee 
  8. Tha Sinn a Falbh w/Margaret Stewart 
  9. Brosnachadh w/Bonnie Rideout    Harlaw 
  10. Isobel Mackay w/Bonnie Rideout  Fiddle Pibroch vol 2

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